Physiotherapy North Sydney


Rely on Our Sports Physiotherapy Clinic in North Sydney for Increased Resilience and Strength

The sports physiotherapy we offer at The Movement Box physiotherapy in North Sydney focuses on pain relief, rehabilitation and injury prevention. The therapy uses manual massage, adjustment, stretching, acupuncture, ultrasound, heating or cooling, electrotherapy or vestibular therapy to keep muscles and joints flexible and patients fit.

Sports physiotherapists promote a safe, active lifestyle, helping prevent and manage sport and exercise-related injuries while enhancing all-around movement and performance. The everyday population, casual sportspeople and elite athletes alike can experience the benefits of physiotherapy. Therapy is available to treat all ability levels and ages.

The Benefits of Sports Physiotherapy in North Sydney

Sports physiotherapy in Sydney can provide you with:

  • Treating existing injuries: Every professional or casual athlete is vulnerable to an accident or injury at some point. Proficient physiotherapy can safely assist in recovery and pain relief to help you get back onto the field or into the gym as soon as possible. Consider sports therapy instead of struggling with pain and discomfort or potentially jeopardising your sporting performance.

  • Improved strength and flexibility: Playing sport takes a toll on your joints, bones, muscles and ligaments. Sports physiotherapy may assist in strengthening you physically and improving your mobility, helping your body manage increasing levels of physical pressure. This enhanced robustness may enhance your performance while helping reduce your injury risk.

  • Increased relaxation: High levels of intense activity can leave you feeling hyped up and unable to relax fully. Through physiotherapy techniques, you can learn how to stretch, relax and regenerate, helping you to renew energy and strength for your next training session or game.

  • Better resistance to injury: By improving mobility, flexibility and strength, sports physiotherapy can help your body resist muscle strain, ligament tears, cramps and related sports injuries. Through a personalised plan, your physiotherapist will provide a series of exercises specifically designed to address your specific sporting activities and individual areas of physical vulnerability.

Here are some conditions sports physiotherapy can assist with: ankle, knee, wrist or capsule sprains, ligament, meniscal, cartilage, rotator cuff, muscle or MCL, ACL, and PCL tears, plantar fasciitis, anterior, posterior, medial or lateral ligament dysfunction, shoulder dislocation, herniated discs, neck, back or hip compressions, concussion and whiplash, Osgood Schlatter’s disease, and patellofemoral syndrome.

Our conveniently located North Sydney physio practice can assist with all of these.

What Sets Us Apart Regarding Sports Physio in North Sydney?

Our physio team in North Sydney is hand-picked to offer you high quality, state of the art sports and non-sports-related repair and rejuvenation therapy. What sets us apart are our:

  • Sports-specific understanding: Our team has undergone additional and extensive training and study to incorporate sports rehabilitation, tendon injury, body conditioning and strength into our portfolio.

    Our chiropractor, Luke, is a sportsman and sports trainer and holds a Bachelor Of Health Sciences & Masters Of Chiropractic and numerous additional qualifications, including ASCA Level 1, Prehab 101, Musculoskeletal dry needling, and Functional MAT.

    Our physiotherapist in North Sydney, Matt, has a deep understanding of athletes and anatomy and knows what it’s like to be on the table receiving treatment. He holds a Master’s degree in Physiotherapy and ASCA Level 1. He excels at treating musculoskeletal and sports-related injuries.

  • Unique approach: We believe that ‘movement is ‘medicine’. That’s why we also focus on exercise, movement and manual therapy rather than concentrating purely on the injured area alone or isolated adjustment.

  • Holistic mindset: While traditional practices may focus mainly on treating injuries, we go beyond that to help ensure enhanced performance, increased resilience and overall improved quality of life for our clients. You may even find that treating your injuries and working on your strength helps alleviate seemingly unrelated discomfort and headaches plaguing your daily activities or hampering your sports or training performance.

We are results-driven, going beyond passive injury management to help you move and thrive, pain-free and experiencing increased capacity and ability.

Why Choose Us for Sports Physiotherapy in Sydney?

Our North Sydney physiotherapy team is qualified, passionate and accessible, ready to take on your injury, training and performance requirements and goals. We partner with you through our:

  • Tailored treatment plans: Everybody’s body, strengths and vulnerabilities are different. That’s why we customise your treatment schedule specifically for you. We have the knowledge and experience to diagnose your needs, injuries and imbalances, creating an individualised and effective plan right from the start. This efficiency saves you money and time and gets you ready for action faster and more safely.

  • Extensive range of available techniques: We don’t rely on one or two methods only or fit you into our regular or preferred treatment protocols. Instead, we have the training and skill to most effectively access various passive and active ways to treat or enhance your physical condition.

    In addition to physiotherapy, we offer chiropractic techniques, myotherapy, massage and personal training. Myotherapy focuses on treating specific underlying causes of your injury to help with rehabilitation. More conventional remedial massage alleviates tightness and soreness associated with more non-specific musculoskeletal injuries.

  • Supportive environment: Our trusted sports physio team in Sydney and welcoming, modern, and well-equipped studio leave you feeling comfortable and in good hands. We offer you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your needs are paramount, our qualifications credible and appropriate, and our approaches actionable and cutting edge. We place your well-being at the core of everything we do.

You don’t have to be a sportsperson to benefit from physiotherapy and improved body strength and alignment. If you work in an office and sit at a desk all day, likely you have associated aches, pains and imbalances requiring adjustment. Reach out to us with any issues, or follow us on Instagram to get our latest advice and exercise guidelines to protect your joints and muscles.

More About The Movement Box

We are a holistic physiotherapy, chiropractic, sports massage and personal training clinic located in Crow’s Nest in North Sydney. In operation since late 2021, we have quickly become the area’s premier practice, indispensable to our clients in helping them recover from injury and perform at their best in their chosen sport. Our transformational style encompasses hands-on, individualised treatment and performance approaches.

Our approach is careful, evidence-based and considered. We thoroughly explore your medical and sports history and current condition during a functional mobility, strength and endurance examination before designing and implementing an innovative, 360-degree treatment plan.

So, if you’re a sports enthusiast, sports professional, or just looking for pain relief or improved mobility, why not let us help you feel and perform better today? Book your initial consultation appointment online or contact our physiotherapy clinic in Crows Nest with any questions.