Experience a high quality boutique gym space with a limited membership base.


After a much-anticipated wait, we are finally launching our Performance and Rehab Programs!

These programs will be a combination of structured strength and conditioning and energy system development training.


$49.95/Week | Limited to the first 10 memberships

This membership gives you the opportunity to train in a boutique gym space with high quality training equipment with a limited membership base. You will also have unlimited access to our recovery space including ice bath, infrared sauna and normatech compression boots.

Open 7 days, 7am - 7pm.

Why Choose Us?

The Movement BoxOther Gyms
Access to boutique gym space
Unlimited use of ice bath, Infrared sauna, Normatec compression, Compex Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Access to experienced health care practitioners and strength and conditioning coaches
All in one membership for a fraction of the price of similar services


  • An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses infrared heaters to emit radiant heat, which is absorbed directly by the body. Unlike traditional saunas that heat the air around you, infrared saunas heat your body directly, providing a more comfortable and less intense sauna experience.

    1. Detoxification: Sweating is a natural way for the body to remove toxins. Infrared saunas promote deep sweating, which is believed to help rid the body of harmful substances, such as heavy metals, alcohol, and environmental pollutants.

    2. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: The gentle, radiant heat in infrared saunas can induce a state of relaxation, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being. Many users find it soothing and mentally calming.

    3. Pain Relief: Infrared heat can penetrate tissues and muscles, potentially providing relief from aches and pains. It's commonly used for relief from muscle soreness, arthritis, and joint stiffness.

    4. Improved Circulation: Infrared saunas can help increase blood flow and circulation. This enhanced circulation may help reduce blood pressure and promote better cardiovascular health.

    5. Weight Loss: Some people use infrared saunas as a component of their weight loss regimen. The increased heart rate and sweating can lead to the temporary loss of water weight, but long-term weight loss results are not well-documented.

    6. Skin Health: The increased circulation and sweating can lead to clearer, healthier skin. It's believed to improve the skin's appearance by reducing blemishes, promoting a healthy glow, and potentially helping with conditions like acne.

    7. Boosted Immunity: Some proponents claim that regular use of infrared saunas can enhance the immune system, making it better at fighting off illness and infections.

    8. Pain Management: Infrared saunas are used by some individuals to manage chronic conditions like fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. The heat can provide temporary relief from pain and inflammation.

    9. Improved Sleep: For some people, regular sessions in an infrared sauna can lead to better sleep. The relaxation and stress reduction benefits may contribute to improved sleep quality.

    10. Cardiovascular Benefits: There is evidence to suggest that regular use of infrared saunas may improve heart health. This includes potential benefits such as reduced risk of heart disease and improved endothelial function.

  • Infrared saunas can offer a range of potential health benefits, but whether or not they are suitable for an individual depends on their specific health status, goals, and preferences.

    It's crucial to exercise caution and consult with a healthcare professional before using an infrared sauna if you fall into any of the following categories:

    1. Pregnant women or individuals who are breastfeeding.

    2. People with certain medical conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes.

    3. Those taking medications that can be affected by heat exposure.

    4. Anyone with a history of heat-related illnesses or sensitivity to heat.

    Infrared saunas are generally well-tolerated, but individual reactions can vary. If you're considering using an infrared sauna and have specific health concerns or conditions, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure it's safe and appropriate for your situation.

  • Infrared saunas are generally considered safe for most people when used correctly and responsibly. However, like any wellness or heat therapy practice, there are potential risks and considerations to be aware of. Here are some of the potential risks and precautions associated with using infrared saunas:

    • Dehydration: The heat in the sauna can cause excessive sweating, leading to dehydration. It's crucial to drink plenty of water before, during, and after your sauna session to maintain proper hydration. Signs of dehydration include dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and decreased urination.

    • Overheating: Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can lead to overheating, which may cause symptoms like nausea, weakness, and heat exhaustion. Avoid staying in the sauna for extended periods, especially if you are new to sauna use.

    • Medical Conditions: Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and circulatory disorders, should consult with a healthcare professional before using an infrared sauna. The heat can affect blood pressure and heart rate, and some medications may be impacted by heat exposure.

    • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid using infrared saunas, as the elevated body temperature can be harmful to the developing fetus or infant.

    • Skin Sensitivity: If you have sensitive or easily irritated skin, be cautious about using an infrared sauna, as the heat and sweating may exacerbate skin conditions or cause discomfort.

    • Heat-Related Illness: Individuals with a history of heat-related illnesses or heat intolerance should avoid using saunas, as their bodies may not regulate temperature effectively.

    • Alcohol and Medications: Avoid alcohol consumption before or during a sauna session, as it can increase the risk of dehydration and may interact with the heat's effects. Some medications can also interact negatively with sauna use, so it's important to consult with a healthcare provider.

    • Limited Research: While there is some scientific evidence supporting the benefits of infrared saunas, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of these benefits and potential risks.

    • Burns and Overheating Devices: Check the temperature settings and ensure the sauna is working correctly. Infrared saunas should be equipped with safety features and maintained properly to prevent burns or overheating of the device itself.

    • Allergies: Some individuals may be sensitive to the wood used in sauna construction or to cleaning products used inside the sauna. Ensure proper ventilation and cleanliness to minimize the risk of allergies.

    To minimize risks and ensure a safe experience, consider the following precautions when using an infrared sauna:

    • Start with shorter sessions at lower temperatures, especially if you are new to sauna use, and gradually increase the time and temperature.

    • Be aware of how your body is responding and listen to your body's cues. If you feel unwell, dizzy, or overheated, exit the sauna immediately.

    • Hydrate adequately before, during, and after your session. Drinking water or electrolyte-replenishing beverages can help prevent dehydration.

    • If you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications, consult with a healthcare provider before using an infrared sauna to determine if it's safe for you.

  • Cold water immersion, also known as cold water therapy or cold water submersion, involves immersing one's body in cold water for therapeutic or health-related purposes. It is a practice that has been used for centuries and is believed to offer several potential benefits.

    1. Muscle Recovery: Cold water immersion is commonly used by athletes to aid in muscle recovery. The cold water can help reduce post-exercise muscle soreness, inflammation, and swelling. It is often used after intense physical training or competitions to speed up the recovery process.

    2. Pain Relief: The cold water can have a numbing effect and may provide temporary relief from various types of pain, including joint pain, muscle pain, and chronic pain conditions. It is believed to work by constricting blood vessels and reducing blood flow to the affected area.

    3. Stress Reduction: Exposure to cold water can trigger the body's natural stress response, leading to the release of endorphins. Endorphins are natural mood enhancers and pain relievers, which can help reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being.

    4. Improved Mood and Mental Alertness: Cold water immersion can stimulate the central nervous system and increase alertness. Some individuals use it as a way to wake up in the morning and improve their mood.

    5. Enhanced Circulation: The exposure to cold water can cause vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels), which is followed by vasodilation (expansion of blood vessels) when you warm up. This cyclical process is believed to improve blood circulation and overall cardiovascular health.

    6. Enhanced Lymphatic System Function: Cold water therapy is thought to stimulate the lymphatic system, helping the body remove waste products and toxins. This can contribute to improved detoxification.

    7. Boosted Immune System: Some proponents of cold water immersion claim that it can enhance the immune system's function by increasing the production of white blood cells and activating the body's natural defense mechanisms.

    8. Increased Metabolism: Cold water exposure can temporarily increase metabolic rate as the body works to maintain core temperature. This might be of interest to individuals looking to boost their metabolism for weight management.

    9. Skin Health: Cold water immersion may have benefits for the skin, such as promoting tighter pores, reducing acne, and improving overall skin health. It can also give the skin a refreshing and rejuvenated appearance.

    10. Enhanced Athletic Performance: Some athletes use cold water immersion as a pre-competition strategy to improve physical performance by reducing muscle fatigue and enhancing alertness.

    It's important to note that while many people report positive experiences with cold water immersion, there may not be a one-size-fits-all approach, and individual responses can vary. Moreover, scientific research on some of these benefits is ongoing, and the evidence may be inconclusive for certain claims.

    Cold water immersion can be an intense experience, and individuals should use caution when practicing it. Those with certain medical conditions or concerns should consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating cold water immersion into their routine. It's crucial to listen to your body's signals and discontinue the practice if you experience discomfort or adverse reactions.

  • Who May Benefit from Cold Water Immersion:

    1. Athletes: Cold water immersion is commonly used by athletes, particularly after intense workouts or competitions, to aid in muscle recovery. It can help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation.

    2. Recovery from Strenuous Exercise: People who engage in strenuous physical activities, such as weightlifting, high-intensity interval training, or endurance sports, may find cold water immersion helpful in expediting recovery.

    3. Pain Management: Individuals with acute pain or chronic pain conditions may experience temporary relief from pain after cold water immersion. The cold water can have a numbing effect on the affected area.

    4. Stress Reduction: Some individuals use cold water immersion to reduce stress and induce relaxation. The practice can trigger the release of endorphins, promoting a sense of well-being.

    5. Improved Circulation: Cold water immersion can help stimulate circulation, potentially benefiting cardiovascular health and promoting overall well-being.

    6. Boosted Immune System: There are claims that cold water immersion may enhance the immune system's function. This can be of interest to those looking to improve their immune response.

  • Cold water immersion, while it can offer benefits, also carries certain risks and potential hazards, especially when not practiced with caution or when it is overdone. Here are some of the potential risks associated with cold water immersion:

    1. Hypothermia: Prolonged exposure to very cold water can lead to hypothermia, a condition where the body loses heat faster than it can produce it. Hypothermia can be life-threatening if not addressed promptly and can lead to symptoms such as shivering, confusion, slurred speech, and, in severe cases, unconsciousness.

    2. Cardiovascular Stress: The shock of cold water can lead to increased stress on the cardiovascular system. This stress may result in an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, potentially putting undue strain on the heart.

    3. Vasoconstriction and Blood Flow: Cold water immersion can cause vasoconstriction, which is the narrowing of blood vessels. While this can reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, it can also limit blood flow to extremities, potentially leading to numbness, tingling, and, in extreme cases, frostbite.

    4. Accidental Drowning: Cold water immersion can increase the risk of drowning if it leads to muscle cramps or shock. Individuals should exercise caution and always ensure safety measures, especially when immersing themselves in natural bodies of water.

    5. Injury Risk: Slipping and falling in wet or icy conditions is a concern when exiting a cold water immersion, which can lead to physical injury.

    6. Shock Response: The initial shock of cold water immersion can lead to hyperventilation and panic, which may be disorienting and increase the risk of accidents.

    7. Complications for Certain Health Conditions: Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as heart disease, hypertension, and circulatory disorders, should use caution or consult with a healthcare professional before attempting cold water immersion.

    8. Excessive Stress on the Body: Prolonged or frequent cold water immersion can lead to excessive stress on the body, potentially resulting in negative effects on the immune system and overall well-being.

    9. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may experience skin reactions or allergies to chemicals, such as chlorine or other disinfectants found in swimming pools or cold water.

    10. Safety Precautions: If not done properly, cold water immersion may lack safety precautions, such as lifeguards, flotation devices, or emergency plans, which can increase the risks involved.

    11. Individual Tolerance: Individual responses to cold water immersion can vary widely, so it's essential to be aware of your own limits and listen to your body's signals.

    It's important to note that cold water immersion should be practiced with care and responsibility. If you are new to the practice or have concerns about its safety, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for guidance. Always follow safety guidelines, such as gradually acclimating to the cold water, having a plan for re-warming, and avoiding prolonged exposure. Cold water immersion is generally considered safer when practiced in controlled environments, such as designated cold plunge pools, under the guidance of experienced professionals.

  • Compex EMS, often referred to simply as Compex, is a brand that specializes in electric muscle stimulation (EMS) devices and related technologies. EMS is a technique that involves the use of electrical impulses to stimulate muscle contractions. Compex devices are designed to provide a range of EMS programs to help with muscle recovery, strength training, pain relief, and physical therapy.

    1. Muscle Strength and Conditioning: Compex EMS devices can help increase muscle strength, endurance, and power. They are often used as a complement to traditional strength training exercises, allowing users to target specific muscle groups more effectively.

    2. Muscle Recovery: EMS can promote muscle recovery by increasing blood flow and reducing muscle soreness after intense workouts. This can help individuals recover more quickly and get back to their training routine.

    3. Enhanced Training Performance: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often use Compex EMS to optimize their training performance. It can help activate and engage muscles that may be difficult to target through conventional exercises.

    4. Injury Prevention: By strengthening and stabilizing muscles, Compex EMS may reduce the risk of injury during physical activities, particularly in sports that involve repetitive motions or require muscle balance and coordination.

    5. Pain Relief: Compex EMS devices can be used for pain management. They stimulate nerves and release endorphins, which can help alleviate discomfort associated with various conditions, such as chronic pain, muscle spasms, and tension.

    6. Rehabilitation: Physical therapists and healthcare professionals use Compex EMS as a rehabilitation tool for patients recovering from injuries, surgeries, or muscle imbalances. It helps rebuild strength and mobility.

    7. Customization: Compex devices often come with multiple pre-programmed modes and settings that allow users to customize their EMS sessions to match their specific goals, whether it's recovery, strength training, or pain management.

    8. Convenience: Some Compex EMS devices offer wireless capabilities and are controlled via mobile apps, making them convenient for users to manage and customize their EMS programs.

    9. Targeted Muscle Engagement: Compex allows for targeted muscle stimulation, which can be beneficial for individuals looking to work on specific muscle groups or those with muscle imbalances.

    10. Time Efficiency: EMS can be a time-efficient way to engage and train muscles. Short EMS sessions can provide a similar training effect to longer, traditional workouts.

    11. Improved Blood Circulation: EMS increases blood flow in the muscles, which can help with circulation and overall cardiovascular health.

    12. Versatility: Compex EMS can be used in various settings, including at home, in a fitness facility, or during physical therapy sessions.

    It's important to use Compex EMS devices responsibly and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Consultation with a healthcare professional is recommended, particularly for individuals with certain medical conditions or those new to EMS, to ensure safe and appropriate usage. While Compex EMS can offer multiple benefits, individual results may vary, and it should be part of a well-rounded approach to fitness, health, and rehabilitation.

  • Compex EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) devices can be beneficial for a range of individuals with varying goals and needs. Here are some groups of people who may benefit from using Compex EMS:

    1. Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts: Athletes at all levels, from professional to amateur, often use Compex EMS to enhance their training and performance. EMS can help improve muscle strength, endurance, and recovery, making it a valuable addition to a workout routine.

    2. Muscle Recovery: Individuals looking to recover more quickly from intense physical activities, such as weightlifting or high-intensity training, can benefit from Compex EMS. It can reduce muscle soreness and promote post-workout recovery.

    3. Injury Rehabilitation: Compex EMS is used in physical therapy and rehabilitation settings to help patients recover from injuries, surgeries, and muscle imbalances. It can be particularly useful for strengthening and stabilizing muscles during the recovery process.

    4. Pain Management: Individuals experiencing chronic pain, muscle tension, or spasms may find relief through Compex EMS. It stimulates nerves and releases endorphins, which can help manage pain.

    5. Muscle Imbalances: People with muscle imbalances or underactive muscle groups can use Compex EMS to target specific areas and improve muscle balance and coordination.

    6. Bodybuilders: Bodybuilders often incorporate EMS into their training routines to work on muscle definition and achieve a more sculpted physique.

    7. Time-Efficient Training: For those with busy schedules, Compex EMS can provide a time-efficient way to engage and strengthen muscles, making it appealing for individuals looking for effective workouts in a shorter amount of time.

    8. Home Users: Many Compex devices are designed for use at home, allowing individuals to incorporate EMS into their fitness routines without the need for specialized equipment or facilities.

    9. Fitness Competitors: Individuals preparing for fitness competitions, such as bodybuilding or physique competitions, may use EMS to help them achieve specific muscle definition and aesthetics.

    10. Prevention of Muscle Atrophy: Compex EMS can be used to prevent muscle atrophy in individuals who are unable to engage in regular physical activity due to injury or medical conditions.

  • Compex EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) devices are generally safe when used correctly and responsibly. However, there are potential risks and considerations to be aware of when using EMS technology. Here are some of the possible risks associated with Compex EMS:

    1. Overuse and Overtraining: Using EMS too frequently or at high intensities can lead to overuse injuries or overtraining, which can strain muscles and impede recovery. It's essential to follow the recommended guidelines for frequency and intensity.

    2. Skin Irritation: Prolonged or improper use of EMS electrodes can cause skin irritation or redness at the electrode placement sites. It's important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for electrode placement and check for any signs of skin irritation during or after use.

    3. Misuse: Using EMS on areas with pre-existing skin conditions, open wounds, or infections can exacerbate these conditions and lead to complications. It's crucial to avoid using EMS on compromised skin.

    4. Electrode Placement Errors: Incorrect placement of EMS electrodes can lead to muscle imbalances or ineffective muscle stimulation. It's important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper electrode placement.

    5. Electrical Burns: In very rare cases, electrical burns or blisters may occur if electrodes are not properly maintained or if there are issues with the EMS device. Regularly inspect electrodes for wear and tear, and ensure the device is in good working condition.

    6. Improper Use on Sensitive Areas: Using EMS on sensitive or highly innervated areas, such as the neck or head, can result in discomfort or adverse reactions. Care should be taken to avoid these areas unless under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

    7. Pregnancy: EMS should be used with caution during pregnancy. It is generally advisable to avoid abdominal EMS in the later stages of pregnancy to prevent overstimulation of the abdominal muscles.

    8. Preexisting Medical Conditions: Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as heart conditions, epilepsy, and certain neurological disorders, should consult with a healthcare provider before using Compex EMS, as it may not be suitable or safe for them.

    9. Implanted Medical Devices: Individuals with implanted medical devices, such as pacemakers or defibrillators, should consult with their healthcare provider before using EMS, as it can potentially interfere with these devices.

    10. Sensitivity: Some individuals may be more sensitive to EMS, and they may experience discomfort, pain, or muscle contractions that are too intense. Starting with lower intensity settings and gradually increasing is recommended.

    11. Individual Variability: Responses to EMS can vary among individuals. What works well for one person may not be as effective for another. Experimentation may be necessary to find the right settings and strategies.

    It's important to use Compex EMS devices as instructed by the manufacturer and, when in doubt, consult with a healthcare professional. Responsible use and following guidelines for frequency, intensity, and electrode placement can help mitigate many of the potential risks associated with EMS technology.

  • The benefits of using NormaTec products are primarily related to their compression therapy technology, which includes features like pulsing, sequential compression, and a gradient pressure profile. Here are some of the benefits associated with using NormaTec devices:

    1. Improved Recovery: NormaTec compression therapy can help reduce muscle soreness and inflammation after intense physical activity. By promoting better blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, it can expedite the removal of waste products like lactic acid, which contributes to post-exercise fatigue.

    2. Enhanced Muscle Recovery: The intermittent compression provided by NormaTec can help reduce muscle stiffness and promote faster muscle recovery. This is particularly valuable for athletes and individuals engaged in regular physical training.

    3. Increased Circulation: The sequential compression action, starting from the extremities and moving upwards, can improve blood flow. This can be especially beneficial for individuals with circulatory issues or those who spend extended periods sitting or standing.

    4. Reduced Swelling: NormaTec's compression technology is effective in reducing swelling and edema in the limbs. This is particularly useful for people recovering from surgery, managing lymphedema, or dealing with conditions that lead to fluid retention.

    5. Pain Relief: NormaTec devices can provide relief from various types of musculoskeletal pain, including muscle and joint pain. The increased circulation and lymphatic drainage can help mitigate discomfort.

    6. Enhanced Performance: Some athletes use NormaTec as a pre-performance tool to prepare their muscles for strenuous activities. By enhancing circulation and muscle flexibility, these devices can potentially improve athletic performance.

    7. Rehabilitation: NormaTec is used in physical therapy and rehabilitation settings to aid in the recovery of patients with injuries or surgical procedures. It can help patients regain mobility and reduce the risk of complications.

    8. Customizable: NormaTec devices often offer customizable settings, allowing users to tailor the compression therapy to their specific needs and comfort levels.

    9. Convenience: NormaTec systems are relatively easy to use and can be used in the comfort of your home or in a clinical setting. This convenience makes them a practical choice for many individuals.

    10. Relaxation: Many people find the compression therapy provided by NormaTec to be relaxing and enjoyable. It can be a soothing way to unwind after a long day or a tough workout.

    11. It's essential to use NormaTec products as directed and in consultation with a healthcare professional if you have specific medical conditions. While many individuals benefit from NormaTec compression therapy, its effectiveness can vary from person to person.

  • NormaTec's compression systems use air compression technology to provide dynamic, sequential compression to different parts of the body, typically the legs, arms, or hips. They are often used by athletes, physical therapists, and individuals looking to improve recovery, reduce muscle soreness, and enhance circulation. These devices help with the recovery process after intense physical activity, reducing muscle fatigue, promoting better circulation, and aiding in the removal of metabolic waste products from the muscles.



G04/270 Pacific Highway, Crows Next